Ajjeechaa Waraanni EPRDF Namoota Meesha-maleeyyii Irratti Raaw’achaa Jiru Cimsinee Balaaleffanna!

Mudde 31, 2018 | Ibsa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO)

Mudde 27, 28 fi 29, 2018 Dhihaa fi Kibba Oromiyaa (Qellem Wallaggaa, Wallagga Dhihaa fi Gujii) keessatti qofa loltootni EPRDF kan maqaa “Raayyaa Ittisa Biyyaa” jedhuun beekaman Oromoota nagaa (meeshaa-maleeyyii) irratti ajjeechaa suukanneessaa raaw’ataniin odeessa hanga ammaatti mirkanaaween yoo xiqqaate namootni 36 tahan ajjeefamanii kanneen lakkoofsi isaanii ammatti hin beekamne ammoo madaawanii jiru. Manneen Ummataa hedduunis gubamanii jiru. Tarkaanfii hammeenyaa fi diinummaa ol’aanaa loltootni EPRDF fudhachaa jiran kanaan lammiilee ajjeefaman keessaa daa’imman waggaa 5 hin guutin 2 Godina Gujii Ona Dugda Daawwaatti mana wajjin gubaman. Dhiha Wallaggaa Gimbii fi Gullisoo gidduu naannoo Kurfee Birbir jedhamtuttis daa’mni tokkoo fi haati daa’imaa mana wajjin gubaman. Bakkootni yakki ajjeechaa kun itti gaggeeffaman Godina Qellem Wallaggaa, Wallagga Dhihaa fi Gujii lafoota Gidaamii, Koobbara, Kattaa Abbaa Kormaa, Huwaa, Waayyuu Kullii, Kurfee Birbir, Yuubdoo, Laaloo Qilee, Fincaa’aa, Kombolchaa fi Shaalaa jedhaman keessatti. Kanneen Gujiitti ajjeefaman 23 tahan keessatti daa’ima waggaa 5 hin guutinii fi jaartii waggaa 70faatu argamu.

ODP’s fear of losing a free and fair election to the OLF is displacing and killing Oromo, a reminder of 1991/92

December 31, 2018 | By Aba Orma, PhD

OLF is the spirits of the martyred and the living Oromo
In a democratic system that relies on the basic principle of government of the people by the people, election is everything as it determines policies, directions, and peace and war of a nation. In Ethiopia, election is also a way the new comer prosecutes (punishes) the outgoing. For fear prosecution, every election in Ethiopia is corrupt because the one in power wants to hold onto power for as long as possible even if it means killing people, and destroying a community and a nation until it is forced out of office. The current EPRDF government of Ethiopia led by Dr. Abiy is no different.

Dhaamsa Waggaa Haaraa, 2019, Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo Irraa

Mudde 31, 2018 | Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO) irraa

Kabajamaa Ummata Oromoo,
Miseensotaa fi Deggertoota ABO,
Gooticha Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo,
Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo fi
Walumaagala deggertootaa fi firoottan Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo.
Maqaa Miseensota Dhaaba keenyaa hundaan Baga Bara Haaraa 2019 waliin geenye oggaan jedhu gammachuu addaatu natti dhagahama. Gammachuun addaa kun ammoo haalli har’a keessa jirru haala addaa fi abdachiisaa tahuu irraa madda. Haalli addaa fi abdachiisaan kun kan akka carraatti ofuma isaatiin argame ykn. qaamni biraa tola nuuf ooleen kan argame miti. Qabsoo hadhooftuu murannoo fi cichoomina ol’aanaadhaan walitti fufiinsaan baroota dheeraaf gaggeessinee fi wareegama ulfaataas itti baasneen kan ofii keenyaa uummanne dha. Kana gochuu danda’uun keenya ammoo kan nu gammachiisu qofa osoo hin taane akka Sabaatti mataa ol qabannee akka ofitti boonnu kan nu taasisu waan taheef irra deebi’een Baga Gammaddan! Baga Gammadne! jedha.

Akeekni Mootummaan uummata nagaa Oromootti waraana bansiisuufi banuun daguuggaa sanyii nurratti raawwataa jiru gama kamiinuu balaaleffatamaadha!

Mudde 20, 2018 | Ibsa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo, Finfinnee Oromiyaa

Duulli ajjeechaa gara jabinaa ilmaan Oromoo irratti daangaa Oromiyaa maraan raawwataa akkuma ture ammas raawwataa jira. Oromoon waggoota 27 rasaasaan ajjeefamaa akkuma qee’ee irratti itti roorrisaamaa turetti yakki ittii dabalee uummata irratti raawwatuun itti fufuun ittuu kan manaaf araddaa irraa miliyoonaan lakkaa’ee nu buqqaasutti guddatee jiraachuun nama gaddisiisa, egeree nageenya biyyattiifis yaaddoo nutti uumeera.

Yakki garajabinaan Oromoo manaaf araddaa isaa waliin gubanii nagaa dhorkatuudhaan dirqamaan qee’eerraa godaansisan hadiida bal’ataa adeemee jiru kanatti, holola siyyaasaa omishuudhaan akka walii hindirmatneetti jechoota kalaqanii ajjeechaaf haala mijeeffachuunis herrega siyyaasaa kamiinuu kan balaaleffatamudha. Gaaffiin Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo waggoota dheeraaf gaafataa jiru deebii hongaa’uudhaan ka duraan olitti uummata Oromoo tasgabbii dhorkuun jeequmsa biraaf akka kaka’umsi uumamu qaabni nagaa fi dimokiraasii jibbuun mirga dhala namaa sarbuu amaleeffate, hojiisaa idilee taasifachuu cimsinee balaaleffanna!. Uummata ija tuffiin ilaalanii gaaffii uummataa deebisuu dhabuurraan biyyattii afuura gooliif kaadhimuu irratti qoodni mootummaa barootaaf olaanaa akkuma ture ammas qoodni mootummaa yeroo nuti abdatnutti afuura jeequmsaa babal’isuuf adda duree ta’uun mufannaa olaanaa nu mufachiiseera, abdii irraa qabaataa turres hongeessuuf collagsaa jira.

Takka dhuufuun dhiirummaa, kan lammataa harruummaa, kan sadeessoo…?

Mudde 20, 2018 | Jawar Mohammed Irraa

Akkuma hundi keessan yaadattan haala yeroo irratti marii kaleessa OMN gubbatti goonerratti qabsoon Ummata Oromoo erga eegalee jijjirama mootummaa isa sadaffaa irra gahuu keenya dubbadheen ture. Jijjiiramonni mootummaa gaggeeffaman bara 1974, 1991fi isa ammaa, kan bara 2018ti. Cehumsa lameen jalqabaa dhugoomsuu keessatti gaheen Ummata Oromoo baay’ee ol’aanaa tahus, hiree argamte sana gara firiitti geeddaruun hin danda’amne. Faallaa kanaatiin wanti qabatamaan mul’ate sabni keenya miidhaafii kasaaraa guddaadhaaf saaxilamuu ture. Hireewwan argaman kanneenitti fayyadamuun maalif dadhabame? Sababiiwwan ijoon jijjirama dhufaa jiruuf qophaayuu dhabuufi erga jijjirmani dhufee ammoo qalbii hiruudha. Mee tokkoon tokkoo isaanii adda addaan haa ilaalluu.

Komaand poostiitti deebi’ameera

Mudde 20, 2018

Daangaa Beenishaangul Guumuz fi Oromiyaa giddutti rakkoo nageenyaa umaame furuuf koomaand Poostin dhaabbate hojii eegaluu isaa ibsame. Miseensi koomaand poostii obbo Saayfaddiin Haarun akka ibsanitti koomaandi poostichi Poolisii Federaalaa, Mootummaa naannolee lamaanii, Raayyaa Ittisa Biyyaa kan hammateedha jedhaniiru.
Koomaandi poostin kan dhaabbate naannoo daangaa naannolee lamaanitti qaama hidhatee socha’u too’achuun nageenya hawaasaa eegsisuufi. Koomaandi poostichi teessoo isaa Magaala Asoosaa kan godhate yoo ta’u, qaama nageenya Suudan waliin qindoomee hojjeta jedhameera.

Dr. Abiy and Lemma has decided to continue TPLF’s genocide against the Oromo people to hold onto power

December 20, 2018 | By Abbaa Ormaa, Ph.D

Like millions of Oromo I watched Ambassador Suleiman Dedefo’s account of the past 28 years of horror. The most shocking (may be not so shocking) part was where he says that Meles and TPLF were “willing to commit genocide” against the Oromo people to stay in power. The ambassador is an honorable man who cared about his people. His story is the story of millions of Oromo.  He witnessed EPRDF massacre thousands of Oromo and thousands of OLF fighters in their camp to force the OLF out of the transitional government when it became apparent that in the presence of the OLF, OPDO is not going to win a fair and free election in Oromia. A precursor to that was a snapshot election that confirmed their nightmare. Unfortunately, they carried out their threat and massacred anyone they thought as OLF. I personally witnessed when one of OLF office was attacked unprovoked.  I wonder now if the OLF should not have taken part in the mock election to disguise its support and wait for the real thing!

Egypt: Negotiations on Ethiopia dam ‘not easy’

November 10, 2018 | Middle east monitor

Egypt is seeking to reach a “non-fragile” agreement on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, the country’s water resources and irrigation minister, Mohamed Abdel-Ati, announced yesterday.

Sudan to establish joint border protection forces with Libya, Ethiopia and Egypt

November 10, 2018 | Sudan Tribune

(KHARTOUM) - The Sudanese Minister of Defence Awad Ibn Ouf said arrangements are underway to establish joint border protection forces with Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia.

Speaking to the parliament on Wednesday, Ibn Ouf said consultations have gone a long way between the Sudan, Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia to form these joint forces in order to achieve a secure neighbourhood, pointing to the successful experience of the joint Sudanese-Chadian border protection force.

Mass grave with 200 bodies found in Ethiopia

November 10, 2018 | By The East African

In Summary

  • He is alleged to have overseen widespread rights abuses including torture, rape and killings during his 13-year rule.
  • Last month the state-linked broadcaster Fana reported that he attempted to escape police custody by climbing through a window ahead of a court appearance.​

Tripartite Ethiopian, Eritrean, Somalia Talks Held to Enhance Economic Cooperation

November 10, 2018

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki and Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo met in Gondar, in Northern Ethiopia today, to discuss enhancing economic cooperation and jointly act towards bringing about peace, in the Horn of Africa.

According to a statement made by the Media Office of the Ethiopian Prime Minister, the three leaders have emphasized that the tripartite economic plan of the three countries, is being implemented, as required, pointing out that it is taking place, in coincidence, with keeping regional peace.

The three leaders also agreed to run further consultations, later on in the Somali capital, and to work together, in the best of ways, towards international affairs.


Onkoloolessa 25, 2018 | Berhanu Hundee irraa
Akkuma hunduu beeku, jijjiirama har’a biyya Itoophiyaa jedhamtu tana keessatti argameef hundeen sochii uummata Oromoo fi addatti immoo Qeerroo Oromoo ti. Kana jechuun abbaan qabsichaas ta’e kan injifannoo silaa uummatuma Oromoo ti jechuu dha. Injifannoo booda hunduu nagaa fi gammachuudhaan jiraachuuf jedhameeti qabsoo hadhooftuun kan godhamu. Kan nama gaddisiisu garuu, injifannoo sochiin uummata Oromoo argamsiisetti har’a hunduu ittiin bashannanaa yeroo jiranitti, uummata Oromoorraa garuu ajjechaan hin dhaabbanne. Kuni maaliif ta’e?
Sochiin uummata Oromoo kan Qeerroon durfame, sirna Abbaa Irree Wayyaanee caccabsee, laaffisee, isaanis Maqaleetti galchee kunoo har’a jijjiirama argamsiisee jira. Humnootni hunduu kan uummata Oromootiif qabsaa’anis ta’ee kan farra-QBO ta’an hunduu biyyatti galanii akka barbaadanitti asii fi achi deemaa jiru. Waan barbaadan godhaa jiru; akka barbaadanitti dubbachaa jiru. Uummata kana galateeffachuun isaanirra osoo jiruu; Oromoo diina godhatanii shira irratti hojjechaas jiru. Kuni ta’aa osoo jiruu gama biraatiin ajjeechaan ilmaan Oromoorra gahu ittifufee jira.

Mr. René Lefort’s latest article is mostly full of unfounded allegations, dangerous, biased, and sourced by TPLF Criminals, ESAT and Facebook Gossips

October 15, 2018 | By Abbaa Oromaa, Ph.D

Just like the French people, the German people, the Oromo people’s allegiance is allegiance to the Flag of the Oromo people – a symbol of freedom and the Oromo National Struggle for justice, Freedom, and ending economic and cultural domination by the Abyssinians not to an individual or an ideology.
Mr René Lafort , “Ethiopia: Climbing Mount Uncertainty”.
This article is full of unfounded allegations, dangerous, and bias.  The source of some of the assertions are Facebook and Twitter gossips and some Oromo Phobia Media like ESAT. The valid points raised in the article are mired by the outright false allegations that makes one wonder what the goal of the article is.

Short-lived mutiny indicates deteriorating Ethiopian military chain of command, but ruling coalition will likely remain in power

October 14, 2018 | Chris Suckling and Jordan Anderson - IHS Jane's Intelligence Weekly

Key Points

  • The short-lived mutiny by the Ethiopian soldiers was likely motivated by grievances stemming from military reforms that have eroded the historical dominance of senior ethnic-Tigrayan commanders.

Abyssinian War on Oromo Nationalism USING THE SAME OLD METHOD

October 14, 2018 | By Abbaa Ormaa, PhD

Abyssinian Target: Oromo Nationalism
Method: Manufacture crises, then accuse and criminalize, then incarcerate, kill, and exile.
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”  Thomas Jefferson

Mirga Ormaa Hin Tuqnu, Keenyas Hin Tuqsiisnu

Onkoloolesa 14, 2018 | Ibsa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO)

Dhiheenya kana Kaaba Oromiyaa naannawa Kamiseetti haalli mul’ate nageenyaa fi hariiroo ummatootaa kan booressu tahee mul’ata. Murni ykn. Jaarmayaan Sochii Saba Amaaraa (አማራ ብሔራዊ ንቅናቄ/አብን) jedhamu Dilbata dabre (gaafa Onkoloolessa 07, 2018) magaalaa Kamisee keessatti deggertoota isaa hiriira baasuudhaan dhaadannoolee ummatoota Oromoo fi Amaaraa gidduutti lola qabsiisuu danda’an dhageessisaa oole. Dhaadannoolee dhageessifamaa oolan keessaa tokko “Oromoon naannoo kana gadi dhiisee haa bahu !” kan jedhu tahuun beekamee jira. Adeemsi akkanaa adeemsa badaa gara duula shanyi-duguuggii (genocide)tti geessuu danda’u waan taheef kan akka salphaatti ilaalamee bira dabramu osoo hin taane yeroodhaan qaamotni dhimmi ilaalu tarkaanfii sirreessaa irratti fudhachuu kan feesisu jennee amanna.

Oromoo Bulchiinsa Naannoo Hararii Jala Jiru Maal Gochuu Qaba?

Hagayya 22, 2018 | Munaa Alii D/Xiyaaraara

Duraan dursee harariin akka naannoo tokkootti ijaaramuu hin qabdu. Heera biyyaa Itiyoophiyaa cabsuun hundeeffamte. Harariin maallaqa miiliyoona hedduufi dhalaashii gaggeessitoota Tigreef kennuun akka naannootti dhaabbatte. Itti yaadame Saamooraafi Mallasi akka Oromiyaan ciccitu taasisuuf raawwatan. Biyya lafaaratti waan yaadamuu hin dandeenyetu raawwate.

Lakkoofsi sab lammiilee naannoo Hararii keessaa jiran Oromoo xiqqeesanille ammas (56.41%) kanaan dursaa jira.

Pacified politics or risk disintegration? A race against time in Ethiopia

August 22, 2018 | Open Democracy | By RENÉ LEFORT
The dramatic changes of the last months have moved Ethiopia away from “the gates of hell ”, but all options are still on the table, from the worst to the best.
In February 1974, Addis Ababa’s taxis went on strike in protest against the rise in the price of fuel. Not a single observer imagined that this would begin a movement which within a few months would lead to the fall of a centuries-old empire. The imperial regime was not overthrown: it collapsed.

The Derg, the “socialist” military junta which succeeded it, quickly found itself in conflict with an Eritrean secessionist movement and an “ethnic” Tigrayan force in the far north of the country. The Ethiopian army was the second biggest in Africa, massively supported by the USSR. If the rebels had been told in 1987-88 that their forces would enter Addis Ababa in 1991, they would have laughed. They were undoubtedly determined, disciplined and ingenious, but they were finally able to rout the Derg army also because it fell to pieces.They were undoubtedly determined, disciplined and ingenious, but they were finally able to rout the Derg army also because it fell to pieces.

SEENAA GABAABDUU MAGARSAA ODAA (Abdii Habiibee)1959 – 1976

Hagayya 06, 2018 | Abbaa Urjii tiin

Arra, qabsoon bilisummaa ummata Oromiyaa sadarkaa abdachiiftuu fii haala if duuba itti hin deebine geeyse jirti. Kan kana mirkaneeysu, murannoo fii cimina lammii ti. Murannoon baroota lameen dabran hoogganumma qeeyroo tiin hawaasichi agarsiise seena qabeeysaa fii kan baroota dhufaa jiruuf dinqifamu. Ciminni arkame kan humna diinni lammitti bobbaasaa bahe jalaa bilisoomsanii, isaanuma, diinatti bobbaasuu ti.
Diinni numaan nu cabsee aangoorra turuun waan seenaan ibsu. Haalli diinni ummata keenya gaachana godhachuu, kan harqoota gabrummaa jalatti kufuu fii baroota dila kana jalatti buluu tiif sababa. Kana hubachuun, qabsoon, warra Wayyaaneen meeshaa godhachaa baate jalaa baasuuf godhamte, gaafa galma isaa rukutetti, seenaa qabsoo bilisummaa keessatti tan gulantaa addaa dhunfattu taati.

Gaddaaf gadadoon uummata keenya Oromoo irraa hanga kaafamutti FXG guutuu Oromiyaa makate hindhaabbatu!

Adoolessa 25, 2018 | Ibsa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo irraa keename, Finfinnee, Oromiyaa

Uummata Oromoo waanjoo garbummaa jalaa baasuuf rakkoo gita bittaa habashaan irra gahu jalaa baasuuf qabsoo hadhooftuu gochaa turre ittis jirra.  Qabsoon Qeerroo nagaa gaanfa Afrikaaf abdachiisaa ta’us mootummaan nagaa uummata keenya eeguuf rakkoo saba keenya furee uummata Oromoo irraa dararama kaasuu irratti qabsoorra jira. Har’a araddaa Oromoo wayiita abiddaan gubamee, qabeenyaaf manni uummaata Oromoo gubataa jirutti, rakkoo keenya nuu furuuf tattaafatuurra gaachana uummataa kan ta’e Qeerroo adamsuuf Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo WBO sakatta’uu kan jedhuun ittuu nageenya uummata Oromoo hammeessaa kan jiru Mootummaan EPRDF rakkoo karaa nagaa furamuuf haasa’ames goolii ofumaa uumuun dhabama gochuurratti karoora ABO balleessuu irratti bobbaa bal’aa taasisuutti fuulleffannoon hojjetaa jira. Uummata nagaa uummata Oromoo manaaf qabeenyasaarraa buqqaasuun hanqatee manaaf qabeenyasaa waliin gubuu irratti mootummaan EPRDF kan fuulleffate, nagaa uummataa eeguurra nagaa caasaa isaa eeguuf karaa dabaa socho’uun mootummaa kan nama gaddisiisu ta’uu Qeerroon hubachiisa.

Ibsa Ejjennoo Qeerroo Dambi Doolloo

Adoolessa 24, 2018 | Qeerroo Dambi Doolloo Irraa

Haala yeroo irratti Waggoota 150 oliif uummatni Oromoo qabsoo sirna cunqursaa fi garbummaa ofirraa finciluuf hanga guyyaa har’aatti aarsaa ulfaataa gumaachaa as gaheera. Ta’us sirni abbaa Irree kun bifaa fi kallattii adda addaan nuurratti jijjiiramaa har’a gahee jira. Keessuma yeroo ammaa Oromiyaa gara Lixaa irratti ajjeechaan, reebichi, saamichii fi arrabsoon gadheen uummata keenya dararaa jira. 
Deddeebiidhaanis reeffa keenya awwaallachaa, madoo keenya suphaa obsa fixannaa keessa seennee jirra. Gocha duguuggaa sanyii nuurratti raawwatamaa jiru kana balaaleffachuuf Uummatni D/Doolloo guyyaa 19/11/2010- 22/11/2010 ykn 26/07/2018-29/07/2018 tti guyyoota 4 (afur) walitti aanan sirna Laguu Gabaa (market boycott) geggeessuuf qophii xumuree jira. Kanaaf aanoleen Godina keenyaa, godinaaleen ollaa keenyaa fi guutummaan oromiyaa deggersa Lubbuu darbu ni mormina jedhuuf akka nu cina hiriirtan waamicha isiniif taasifna.

Far from Ethiopia's capital, change remains a distant dream

July 23, 2018 | By Maggie Fick; HARAR, Ethiopia (Reuters)

Clutching the bloodstained student ID card and post-mortem certificate of his younger brother, Abedir Jamal's elation at the huge changes underway in Ethiopia is tempered by his fear that they won't reach him.

Across the country of 100 million people, Abedir, 25, and legions of unemployed graduates like him are holding their breath, hoping that new Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed will succeed in his sledgehammer approach to dismantling the status quo.

Salphoon Amma Lafa Irra Ejjettu Nama Irra Ejjetti!

Adoolessa 21, 2018 | Damee Boruutin

Namni Saba isaaf qabsawwuu badhaasa argachuuf ykn bilisummaa booda qananiin jiraachuuf miti. Qabsawwan rakkinna, gadadoo, cunqursaa fi hiyumaa saba isaa irratti wal furaa jiru irraa qolachuuf humna, qabaeenyaa fi lubbuu isaa nama  dabrsee kennuuf murateefate dha. Seenaa qabsoo bilisummaa Uuummata Oromoo keessatti gotowwaan Oromoo jiruu fi jireenya isaanii dhiisanii utuu qabsoo saba isanii tarkaanfachiisanii wareegaman kumaatamaan qabna. Kan harka diinaatti kufanii waxxalamaa fi mana hidhaa keessatti bara dheeraa dararmaa turanis hedduu dha.

Ibsa Ejjennoo Walgahii Shanee Gumii Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo, Waxabajjii 09 – 19, 2018

Waxabajjii 22, 2018 | Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO)

Shaneen Gumii Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo walgahii dhaabbataa 2ffaa kan Kora Sabaa 4ffaa boodaa Waxabajjii 09 – 19, 2018 geggeeffatee milkii fi injifannoodhaan xumurate. Shaneen Gumii Walgahii isaa kanaan Gabaasa Waajjira Hayyu-Duree fi kan Dameelee dhaggeeffatee gilgaaluutti dabalee marii dhimmoota Imaammataa (Policy Consultation Conference) kan jal-bultii Walgahii Shanee Gumii kanatti Hayyoota Oromoo fi Hoogganoota ABO gidduutti geggeeffame irrattis mari’atee murtii barbaachisu dabarse. Itti aansuudhaanis haala Ummata Oromoo fi kan Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo, haala yeroo ammaa kan sirna Impaayera Itoophiyaa, akkasumas, haala naannoo keenyaa fi kan idil-addunyaa irratti xiinxalaa fi marii bal’aa fi bilchaataa geggeessee ibsa ejjennoo armaan gadii baasuudhaan walgahii isaa goolabe.

Liyyuu Haayiliin Somaalee Haleellaa Raawwateen Namoonni Hedduun Dhuman: Amnestii Internaashinaal

Waxabajjii 11, 2018 | VOA Afaan Oromoo

Haleellaa Harargee bahaa aanaa Cinaagsen keessatti raawwatame jedhame kana namni ani jiraataa magaalaa cinagsen jedhe tokko akkasitti haala ture Tsiooniif ibse.
Cinaagsen keessatti waanti uumame Liyyuu Poolis kanneen jedhaman meeshaa gurguddaa hidhatanii dhufan. Anis achuma bakka qonnaa koon ture. Dhukaasa banan. Namoota 14tudu’e. ani jalaa fiigeen miliqe. Manneen jireenyaa gubanii beeladaalee fudhatanii deeman. Namoonnis qe’ee ofii irraa baqatan jedhan.

The list of 200 Disappeared Oromo Freedom Fighters TPLF has to disclose their where about or tell what happened to them

June 05, 2018

Maqaa qabsaawota Oromoo 200 woyyaaneedhaan ukkamfamanii achi buuteen dhabamani. Mootummaan ammaa kun akka nuuf hiiksisuuf isinis ummanni Oromoo cufti tokkoo tokkoo keetiin dhiibbaa godhi.
1. Nadhi Gammada (Since 1994)
2. Dabasa Guyo (Since 2015)
3. Yosef Bati (Since 1992)
4. Bekele Dawano Geologist in profession, he studied in Dutch University. He was arrested on 25th October 1992. He was disappeared from Agarfa Prison in 1993, according to International Committee of Red Cross who documented about his detentions. He was last seen on 14th September, 1993 at Agarfa being escoted away from prison center by heavily armed men.

EESSA JIRAN? Galmee Qabsaawota Oromoo achi buuteen isanii dhabame keessa namoota 29 suuraa isanii waliin [Collected from social media]

Waxabajji 01, 2018
  1. Huseen Abubaakar Ganamoo (Muldhataa Dirree)

    Jaal Huseen Abubaakar Ganamoo (Muldhataa Dirree) Hogganoota waraanaa ABO baha Oromiyaa keessa tokko kan tahe fi bara 1995 A.L.A. Lola Baale nannoo Gindhiiritti godhame booda kan dhabame. Jaal Muldhataa Dirree goota gootowwanii hiikaa harka keessan jira ykn nuuf himaa iddoo itti awwaaltan.

Fakkeessuun Eessaanuu Nama Hin Geessu!

Caamsaa 15, 2018 | Damee Boruu Irraa

Jalqabaa kaaftee sababni TPLF OPDO bu’ureefattee meeshaa Uummata Oromoo ittiin tiksituu fi tuhattu akeekattee akka tahe nama hundaa jalaa dhokataa miti. Kanaafuu OPDOn dhaaba Oromooti jennee fudhachuuf rakkina nutti taha.  Ilmaan Oromootu mirga Saba Oromoo falmachuu fi kabachiisuuf ijaarate akka hin taane uummata keenyaaf ifa jira.Diinni Uummata Oromoo ijaarsa Uummata Oromof tolu fi hojjetu ijaaree  jennee abdachuun ykn hawwachuun dogongoraa guddaa nutti taha. Diinni dhaaba ijaaree namaa kennu tasa hin jiru. Kanaafuu seenaa OPDO bara dheeraa kana keessatti diinni keenya meeshaa Uummata Oromoo olii fi gadi deebisee ittiin cagadaa jirtu akka taate haala qabatmaan raga mul’atu.

Mormii Har’a Magaalaa Adoolaa Keessatti Geggeessame Irratti Lubbuun Dhabamuu fi Miidhaan Qaamaa Dhaqqabuu Dubbatan Aangawaan Magaalattii fi Jiraattonni

Caamsaa 08, 2018 | VOA Afaan Oromoo

Gujii, aanaalee akka Gooroo Doolaa, Shaakkisoo fi Aannaa Sorraa, magaalaa Adoolaa-wayyuu keessatti hiriirawan mormii geggessamuu isaanii fi magaalaa Adoolaa-Wayyuu keessatti geggeessame gara hookkaraatti jiraattonnii fi aangawoonni VOA-f ibsanii jiran. Mormiin har’aa hiriiran qofa otuu hin taane, gabayaa dhaabuu fi karawwan cufuun ka geggeessame akka turellee dubbbatan.

Godina Gujii Keessatti Uummata Oromoo Mirgaa fi Qabeenya Isaa Falmatu Qe’ee Isaa Irratti Rasaasaan Reebuun Falmii Qabsoo Oromoo Daran Dabala Malee Duubatti Hin Deebisu.

Caamsaa 08, 2018 | Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo, Finfinnee Oromiyaa

Ummanni Oromoo gaaffii mirgaa fi qabeenyaa dhimma albuuda MEDROC walqabsiisee gaafate, deebii wal rukutaa deebisaa kan jiran mornoonni Wayyaanee, Saamichi albuuda MEDROC faalama qilleensaa fi bishaaniin uummata Oromoo naannoo san jiraatanii fi beeleda qabeenya uummataa irraan gahe dhiibbaa fafa ta’uun dhibee adda addaa fi naafachuu garaagaraaf akka saaxilee jiru gartuun Wayyaanotaan bobbaafaman, jaarmiyaan waraanaa uummata nagaa hiriira bahee miidhaa isaa himatuu fi karaa nagaa mirga isaa gaafatu irratti dhukaasuun dhiiga uummataa dhangaalaa jiru. Dabalataan jaarmiyaan ololaa Wayyaanee TPLF kan ta’e OPDOn uummata afaanfajjeessuuf gaaffiin uummataa sirrii ta’uu afaaniin kan dubbatan, akkasumas gaafficha kallattiin deebii itti kennuun ummataaf furmaata argamsiisuu irra obsaa ni qoranna jechuun yeroo bitatanii uummata nagaa irraan gaaga’ama akka ta’uu fi guyya guyyaan rakkoo dhalate irratti rakkoo biroo geessisaa jiru.

Sabboontota Oromoo Amma Illee Qilinxoo Keessatti Dararamaa Jiran

Caamsaa 09, 2018 | Qeerroo

Ilmaan Oromoo kun ammayyuu Qilinxoo jiru. Iyyamuufii qaba. Kana qofaa miti hedduu maqaan hin waamamne gara hin qaban. Kanneen maqaan hin dhahamiin hafan nuuf eeraa?
1. Urgeessaa Daammanaa.
2. Qajeelaa Galaanaa.
3. Habtaamuu Acaaluu.
4. Tokkummaa Mul’isaa.

የዶ/ር ኣቢይ ኣህመድ የቁልቁለት ሩጫ እንደቀጠለ ነዉ።

April 24, 2018 | Source: Face book Page of Tsegaye Hailu

ለፍርድ መቅረብ ያለበትን ወንጀለኛ የክብር ሜዳሊያ መሸለም ወንጀሉን መደገፍ ብቻ ሳይሆን ለኔም ምሳሌ ነህና እኔም ባንተ መንገድ እቀጥላለሁ እንደማለት ይወሰዳል። የዶ/ር ኣቢይ ኣህመድ የቁልቁለት ሩጫ እንደቀጠለ ነዉ።

‘Miseensota Raayyaa Ittisaa Ajjeechaa Raawwatanirratti Ragaa Baanus Haga Yoonaa Murteef hin Dhiyaanne’ – Jiraattota Mooyyalee

Ebla 24, 2018 | VOA Afaan Oromoo

Ajjeechaa lammilee nagaa miseensonni raayyaa ittisa biyyaa bitootessa 10 bara 2018 Mooyyaleetti geessisaniin booda qaami biyya bulchaa ture bulchiinsi Koomaandi Poosti Sekreeteeriyaat miseesota raayyaa ittisa biyyaa gocha kana raawwatan jedhe ‘5’ to’annaa jela oolchuu beeksisee ture. Namootni kuniini to’annaa jela haa oolanuyyuu malee haga yoonaa isaan keessaa namni tokko murteef hin dhiyaatin jiru jedhu jiraattotni magaalaa Mooyyalee.

Mootummaan Wayyaanee Tooftaa Bifa Haaraan Ummatoota Ethiopia Hacuucuuf Yeroo Ka’etti Murteen HR128 Murtaawuun Furtuu Siyaasaa Biyyatti Ta’ee Saboota Cunqurfamoo Balaa Irraa Baraaruu ni mala.

Ebla 12, 2018 | Ibsa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo, Finfinnee, Oromiyaa

Ummanni Oromoo waggoottan dheeraa lafasaarraa buqqa’uu, ajeefamuu, ari’atamuuf biyyasaarratti mirgoota democracy guutummaatti dhabuun isaa kan yaadatamu ta’us, addatti bara bulchiinsa sirna Wayyaanee kanatti dararama ulfaataan irra gahee gaahaas jira.

US House Resolution on Ethiopia Passes: Resolution Calls for Commitment to Human Rights, Democracy, Rule of Law

April 11, 2018 | Human Rights Watch | Felix Horne Senior Researcher, Horn of Africa

Today, the US House of Representatives passed a resolution encouraging Ethiopia’s government to increase respect for human rights, rule of law, and democracy. This non-binding resolution, combined with recent statementsfrom the US Embassy in Addis, sends a strong signal to Ethiopia’s new prime minister that the US expects significant reforms ahead.
Resolution 128 was passed in large part because of Ethiopian-American voters concerned with the Ethiopian government’s rights record, who worked together to make themselves an important constituency. Their persistent efforts despite the efforts of the Ethiopian embassy and their Washington lobbyists led to an impressive 108 Congressional representatives from 32 states co-sponsoring this resolution. Hopefully they can build on this success and advocate for binding legislation on Ethiopia.

Instigating an ethnic conflict is an act of State Terrorism in Ethiopia

Joint Statement of Afar Liberation Front Party (ALFP) and Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) on current Political Situation of Ethiopia

The Tigray Peoples Liberation Front/ Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (TPLF/ EPRDF) regime of Ethiopia is in a futile attempt to breathe life in to its dying regime. The regime is trying to do everything possible to restore their supremacy destabilised by popular struggle for freedom and democracy. Under auspices of the state of emergency, the regime’s armed forces assassinate, kidnap and mistreat innocent civilians. In an aim to divert the attention of the peoples from the current crises in the country and deter them from continuing wide spread protests, the regime is trying to sow seeds of mistrust among century long lived brotherly nations. It is in our recent memory that the TPLF/ EPRDF has instigated conflict between Oromo and Ogaden Somalis that costed many lives and displaced a million from both sides. The TPLF/ EPRDF regime committed and will continue to commit such heinous crime against humanity on a regular basis. The Afar Liberation Front Party (ALFP) and Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) noted the recent attempt of the EPRDF force camouflaging itself in eastern and northeast border between Oromia and Afar regions in attacking peaceful civilians on both sides. This recent act of TPLF/EPRDF that was witnessed by local peoples is a direct replica of the drama which they were playing to instigate war among other nations and nationalities throughout the country.

Itoophiyaa Keessatti Ummatoota Jidduutti Walitti Bu’iinsa Dhalchuun Gocha Shororkeessummaa Mootummaa ti!

Bitootessa 28, 2018

Haala Siyaasaa Itoophiyaa Keessaa kan Yeroo ammaa Irratti Ibsa Waloo Paartii Adda Bilisummaa Affaari fi Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo

Sirnii Adda Bilisummaa Ummata Tigraay/Adda Dimokraasummaa Warraaqsa Ummatoota Itoophiyaa (TLPF/EPRDF) Itoophiyaa bitaa jiru bulchiinsa isaa umrii bittaa raawwatetti lubbuu horuudhaaf yaalii dhabarraa isa hin oolchinetti jira. Sirnichi ol’aantummaa murna isaa warraaqsa ummatootni dimokraasii fi bilisummaaf taasisaniin hundeerraa raafame deebisee gadi dhaabuuf waan isaa dandahame hundaa raawwachuutti jira.

በኢትዮጵያ በህዝቦች መካከል ግጭት መፍጠር የመንግስታዊ ሽብርተኝነት ተግባር ነው!

መጋቢት 28, 2018ዓም

ወቅታዊውን የኢትዮጵያ የፖለቲካ ሁኔታ በተመለከተ ከኣፋር ነጻነት ግንባር ፓርቲና ከኦሮሞ ነጻነት ግንባር የተሰጠ የጋራ መግለጫ

ኢትዮጵያን እየገዛ ያለው የሕወሃት/ኢሕኣዴግ ስርዓት ፍጻሜው የተቃረበውን ኣገዛዙን እስትስፋስ ለማቆየት የተለያዩ ከንቱ ጥረቶችን ተያይዟል። ህዝቦች ለነጻነትና ለዲሞክራሲ እያካሄዱ ባሉት ተግል መሰረቱ የተነቀነቀውን የቡድኑን የበላይነት የማስጠበቅ ስርዓት መልሶ እንዲያንሰራራ ለማድረግ የተቻለለትን ሁሉ በማድረግ ላይ ይገኛል።
በኣስቸኳይ ጊዜ ኣዋጅ ከለላ የስርዓቱ የታጠቁ ሃይሎች ንጹሃን ዜጎችን መግደል፣ ኣፍነው መሰወርና ለከፋ ሰቆቃ መዳረጋቸውን ቀጥለዋል። ይህ ኣምባገነን ቡድን የህዝቦችን የትኩረት ኣቅጣጫ ሃገሪቷን እያመሰቃቀለ ካለው ቀውስ ለማስቀየርና ህዝቦችን በኣገዛዙ ላይ ያለማቋረጥ እያካሄዱት ካለው ተቃውሞና ፍልሚያ ለመግታት በማለም ለዘመናት በሰላም፣ በመከባበርና በመፈቃቀር ኣብረው በኖሩ ህዝቦች መካከል የመጠራጠርና የጥላቻ መርዝ ለመርጨት እየሰራ ነው።

Rakkoo Siyaasaa Itoophiyaa Furuu Irratti Ejjannoo ABO

Ebla 05, 2018 | Ibsa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO)

Ibsa ABO, Ebla 5, 2018
Resolutions of the Oromoo Liberation Front National CouncilAddi Bilisummaa Oromoo rakkoo siyaasaa mootummaa Itoophiyaa waliin jiru nagaan xumuruuf ammayyuu qophii tahuu beeksisaa, hasaawaan ABO fi Mootummaa Itoophiyaa gidduu bakka gareen sadaffaa jirutti fi haal-duree tokko malee taasifamuuf taattafatamaa turee karaa mootummaa Itoophiyaa fedhii dhabinnaa irraa fashaalaa bahe akka itti fufu mootummaa Itoophiyaa EPRDFn durfamuuf waamicha isaa haaromsa. Mootummaan Wayyaanee/EPRDF gama isaan kan irraa eegamu akka guutu gadi jabeessee hubachiisa.
ABOn gaaffii Mirgaa ummata Oromoo jaarraa tokkoo fi walakkaa lakkaawaa jiruu fi sirna gabrummaa irratti diriiree dararaa ulfaataa fi suukanneessaa irraan gahaa jiru irratti qabsaawuu fi mirga hiree mur-teeffatnaa isaa mirkaneessuf dhaaba qabsoo irra turee fi jiru tahuun hundaaf ifaa dha.

የኢትዮጵያን የፖለቲካ ችግሮች መፍትሄ በተመለከተ የኦሮሞ ነጻነት ግንባር ኣቋም

April 05, 2018 | Oromo Liberation Front (OLF)

የኦሮሞ ነጻነት ግንባር, ሚያዚያ 5 ቀን 2018 ዓም
Resolutions of the Oromoo Liberation Front National Councilየኦሮሞ ነጻነት ግንባር ከኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ጋር ያለውን የፖለቲካ ችግር በሰላማዊ መንገድ ለመፍታት ኣሁንም ዝግጁ መሆኑን እያሳወቀ፡ በኦነግና በኢትዮጵያ መንግስት መካከል የሚደረግ ንግግር ሶስተኛ ወገን ባለበትና ያለኣንዳች ቅድመ-ሁኔታ እንዲከናወን ጥረት ሲደረግ ቆይቶ በኢትዮጵያ መንግስት በኩል ፍላጎት ከማጣት የከሸፈው ጥረት እንዲቀጥል በኢህኣዴግ ለሚመራው የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ጥሪውን ያድሳል። የወያኔ/ኢሕኣዴግ መንግስት በበኩሉ የሚጠበቅበትን እንዲያሟላ ኣጥብቆ ያሳስባል።
ኦነግ ከኣንድ ምዕተ-ዓመት ተኩል በላይ እያስቆጠረ ላለው የኦሮሞ ህዝብ የመብት ጥያቄና በህዝቡ ላይ ተዘርግቶ ከባድና ዘግናኝ ሰቆቃ እያደረሰበት ያለውን የጭቆና ስርዓት ለመፋለምና የራስን እድል በራስ ለመወሰን መብት መረጋገጥ በትግል ላይ የነበረና ያለ ድርጅት መሆኑ ለሁሉም ግልጽ ነው።

Dr. Abyii fi Lammaa Magarsaa Daddaffiin Waan gochu qaban!

Sochii Waan Qabsoon

Bitootessa 29, 2018 (Qeerroo) — TPLF Gaafi Oromoo ni deebisa yaadi jeedhu yoom ilee samuu ummataa keessa hin jiru garuu gareen Lama magarasa fi Dr. Abyi Ahemd fedhinnaa fi golgaa fedhii TPLF keessaa bahuu fi aanummaa sabaa qabaachuu isaanii kan ittiin muldhisan keessaa Gaafi ummata Oromoo kana gadii kana irratti daddaffiin furmaata gochuu deemsa siyaasaa tokko jedhanii jalqabuun barbaachisaa dha.

Instigating an ethnic conflict is an act of State Terrorism in Ethiopia

Joint Statement of Afar Liberation Front Party (ALFP) and Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) on current Political Situation of Ethiopia

Why is Kenya’s Government Silent on Ethiopia Crackdown? Ethiopian Instability Could Have Huge Security, Humanitarian Impact on Kenya.

March 24, 2018 | Human Rights Watch | Felix Horne, Senior Researcher, Horn of Africa

Over 9,000 Ethiopians, many of them women and children, have fled into Kenya’s Marsabit County over the last ten days, escaping ongoing Ethiopian military attacks. Sadly, more Ethiopians may follow as Ethiopia continues its two-and-a-half-year descent into further instability.
On March 10 Ethiopian soldiers opened fire on a group of community members in Moyale, Ethiopia, killing at least 10 people.  The defense minister announced that the killings were a “mistake.” He said that the soldiers had acted on bad intelligence, which had indicated that the civilians were members of the banned Oromo Liberation Front, an armed opposition group, a faction of which is active around the Moyale area.
Ethiopia’s security forces have targeted civilians expressing critical views of the government for harassment, arrest, and in many cases, torture for many years. Countrywide, Ethiopia’s military have killed over 1,000 civilians in response to protests since late 2015.

Hidhattoonni ABO Aanaa Gidaamii Keessatti Konkolaatota Raayyaa Ittisaa Lama Mancaasanii Loltoota Keessa Turan Fixan, Jedhu Jiraattonni. Aaangawoonnis Mirkaneessanii Jiru

Bitootessa 16, 2018 | VOA Afaan Oromoo (WAASHINGITAN, DIISII)

Faayilii - Loltoota Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo mooraa leenjii Mooyalee keessatti, bara 2009
Godinaa Qellem Wallaggaa, aanaa Gidaamii, naannoo Laaloo Garee jedhamutti, Roobii dabre, gaafa Bitootessa 14, bara 2018 galgala raayyaa ittisaa mootummaa Itiyoophiyaa irratti haleellaa hidhattoonni Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo bananiin, konkolaatonni lama miidhamuu fi jeneraalota waraanaa dabalee, loltoonni keessa turan dhumuu isaanii jiraattonni aanichaa dubbatanii jiran.

Time for Political Change and Unity in Ethiopia

March 16, 2018 | Counterpunch.org | By Graham Peebles

Tadesse is a 28-year-old Ethiopian from the capital, Addis Ababa. Like thousands of others he took part in demonstrations over the last three years, and together with family members, refused to pledge support for the Ethiopian government. Such displays of political dissent led to him being repeatedly imprisoned, tortured and cruelly mistreated. Now safe in Europe, he is in physical pain and psychological anguish as a result of the barbaric way he was treated in prison.

Ethiopian security forces massacre at least 9 civilians in Moyale as martial law takes toll on Oromia

March 10, 2018 | OPride.com

Two days after U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called for greater freedom to address the ongoing political crisis in Ethiopia, soldiers shot and killed at least nine civilians and wounded more than a dozen others in an unprovoked attack in Moyale, southern Oromia, near the border with Kenya.
Hundreds of civilians running from gunfire have reportedly crossed into the Kenyan side of Moyale town and are in need of humanitarian assistance.
“The Oromia Regional Government would like to express its profound sadness for the loss of life and at the cruel action taken against our people,” Addisu Arega, a spokesperson for the state, wrote on Facebook Saturday evening. “We will work with the Oromo public to bring to justice perpetrators of this heinous crime and all others involved.”

With Nobody in Charge, a State of Emergency was Approved by a Fractured Ethiopian parliament

March 04, 2018 | Press release of Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA)

The State of Emergency declared by the Ethiopian Council of Ministers was approved by the Ethiopian parliament on March 2, 2018.  It is a gift to the Agazi killing squad, authorization to commit  more crimes.
There is no extraordinary situation on the ground that poses a fundamental threat to the country that requires a State of Emergency declaration.as well, the declaration appears at odds with the decisions of  the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF)’s willingness to allow more space for democracy and releasing political prisoners.

Under a new state of emergency, Ethiopia is on the brink of crisis, again

March 03, 2018 | The Washington Post | By Paul Schemm

 It was while he was in prison that Ethiopian opposition politician Bekele Gerba first sensed change happening in the world outside. The television news from his native Oromia region had broken from the official line and was suddenly reporting on the unrest flaring around the country.

Ibsa Ariifachiisaa Haala Yeroofi Itti Fufinsa Sochii Warraaqsaa Biyyoolessa Oromiyaa FXG Ilaalchisuun Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo Irraa Kenname!!

Bitootessa 03, 2018 | Ibsa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo

Mootummaan Wayyaanee Sochii Warraasa Biyyoolessaa Oromiyaa FXG karaa nagaa, kabajamuu Bilisummaa, Walabummaa, mirgoota Dimookiraasiifi Mirgoota Namummaaf Qeerroon Bilisummaafi Uummatni Oromoo hundii itti fufinsaan Waggoota shanii(5)f gaggeessa jirruun injifatamee kufee waan jiruuf yeroo ammaa kanatti kufaatii irraa of dandamachiisuufi haaloo uummatarratti bahuuf addatti Yeroo 2ffaaf kallattiidhaan Waraana Uummatarratti labse. Labsii Waraanaa Uummatarratti Labsee Bitotessa 02/03/2018 maqaaf Paarlaamaa isaatti dhiyeessee raggasisuuf yaalii godheen Paarlaamaan isaa Sagalee guddaan harkatti erga kuffisee booda, akka waan deeggarsa Sagalee Paarlaamaa argatee fakkeessuun Yakka waraanaa raawwachuuf Labsii Yeroo Muddamaa (LYM) raggasifadhe jedhe lallabuun har’a Bitootessa 3/03/2018 Godinaalee Oromiyaa kanneen akka Magaalaa Amboofi Gudar keessatti yakkaa duguuggaa Sanyii rawwachaa kan jiruufi Guutummaa Oromiyaa waraanaan Weeraree jira. Yakka duguuggaa Sanyii (Genocede), Saammicha, Sarbaminsa mirga dhala namaa guutummaatti rawwacha jira.


March 01, 2018 | Addis Standard

Addis Abeba, March 01/2018 – A high level delegation led by the US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, will arrive in Ethiopia on Wednesday March 07 for an official visit, Addis Standard learned.
Mr. Tillerson’s visit comes at a time when Ethiopian politics “is undergoing through its own crisis”, a state department source told Addis Standard, adding “the visit is an indication that the US government is taking the unfolding events in Ethiopia very seriously. The current political crisis in Ethiopia will surely take a center stage during all the discussions with Ethiopian officials,”  our source said.

Ibsi Maqaa “Waamicha Qabsoo Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo” kan jedhuun bahee Facebook irratti daddarbaa jiru ilaalchisee hubachiisa Qeerroo Bilisumaa Oromoo Irraa Kenname.

Bitootessa 01, 2018 |  Hubachiisa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo Irraa kename

Waamichi kutaalee Oromiyaa fi tarrisa gitoota hawaasaa qabatee maqaa Qeerroon gadhiifame faca’aa jiru qaama jaarmiyaa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo irraa akka hin taane ummata keenya beeksisaa ibsoota Qeerroo Bilisummaa irraa bahe hordofuun arrata Qeerroo kan ta’e Sagalee Qeerroo Bilisummaa (SQ) fi website Qeerroo irraa akka hordoftan deggersoota qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo hunda beeksifna.
Labsii Waraanaa mootummaan Wayyaanee ummata Oromoo irratti bane ilaalchisuun hogganni Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo gaafa Gurraandhala 20, 2018 ibsa baaseen toora media lee hawaasaa hundatti gadhiifame kan jiru ta’uu fi ibsi Qeerroo Bilisummaas sana ta’uu beeksisuu feena.
Gadaan Gadaa Xumura Gabrummaati.
Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo
Finfinnee Oromiyaa

Waamicha Qabsoo Bifa Haaraadhaan Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo Kan Yaame Fakkeessamee Ibsi Naannessamaa Jiru Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo Irraa Kan Bahe Miti.

Ijoo Dubbii – ABO (SBO/VOL – Bitootessa 01, 2018)- Gurraandhala 28,2018 irraa qabee “Waamicha Qabsoo Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo irraa” jedhu media hawaasaa gara garaa irratti faca’uun mul’ateera. Akka barruu maqaa yaamicha qabsoo jedhuun Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo maqaa dhahatee faca’e kanaatti Labsii Yeroo Muddamaa wayyaaneen labse, kan parlaamaan sirnichaa guyyaa boruu murtii itti kenna jedhamee dubbatamuun walqabatuu dha.
Wanni hubatamuu qabu waamichi qabsoo Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo amma bifa haaraan dabarse kan hin jirre ta’uu fi maqaa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoon ibsa kana kan facaase mootummaa wayyaanee fi caasaa tika isaa ta’uun hubatamuu feesisa. Kunis mirkanaawee jira.


Bitootessa 01, 2018 | SEENAA Y.G(2005)


Gurraandhala 27, 2018 | Ibsa Ijjannoo Qeerroo Bilisummaa irraa kenname

Murni bicuun wayyaanee TPLF uummata Oromoo irratti waraana ifaa labsitee gochaa duguuggaa sanyii raawwachaa jirti. Gartuun saamtotaa fi shororkeessitoota TPLF ilmaan Oromoo 700,000 qe'ee fi qabeenya isaanii irraa buqqistee, dhibbaatamootan lubbuu galaafachaa yeroo turtetti dhimmi nageenyi uummata Oromoo kan ishee hin yaachisin uummanni biyyattii sirna abbaa irree kanarratti mormii gaggeessaa jiru bulchiinsa waraanan ukkaamsitee umrii bittaa gabrummaa ishee dheereffachuuf labsii waraanaa command post labsaa jirti. Wayyaanen nageenyi lammii ishee yaadessee osoo hin taane tooftaa saamichaa fi umrii ittiin dheereffattuuf biyyattii waraanan bulchuuf jetteeti.

Humnoota Federaalaatu Uummata Nagaa Irratti Haleellaa Oofa: Itti Gaaftamaa Waajjira Kantiibaa Dambi Dolloo

Gurraandhala 26, 2018 | VOA Afaan Oromoo

Godina Qallam Wallaggaa mgaalaa Dambi Dolloo keessatti konfraansii hafuuraa xumura torban kanaa geggeessamuuf jiruuf dadammaqiinsi godhamaa ture humnoota federaalaatiin dhaabsisamuu jiraattonnii fi angawaan naannoo nuuf ibsaniiru.

The US “Stands by” its Statement Condemning Ethiopia’s State of Emergency

February 26, 2018

Addis Abeba, February 25, 2018  The US embassy in Addis Abeba said the US “stands by its statement” strongly disagreeing with Ethiopia’s re-reinstatement of a six month state of emergency.
A local newspaper, the Amharic biweekly Reporter and its English weekly version reported that a meeting between Michael Raynor, US’s ambassador to Ethiopia, and Ethiopian officials at the ministry of foreign affairs has taken place after the ministry summoned the ambassador demanding an explanation on the statement the US embassy condemning the state of emergency.